Today is my favorite (organizing) day, and fortunately for me (and you if you’re into) get exactly 12 of these each year. It’s the first of each month – a fabulous day I refer to as
Blank Slate Day.
Why so amazing? While we can’t redo / rewind, we can:
- Re-group
- Re-design
- Re-engergize
And for anyone with a love / hate relationship with New Year’s Day, BS (Blank Slate) Days come without the “BS” of New Year’s … That pressure. The hype. That all or nothing. Not to mention, there’s a slight chance we wake up on January 1st feeling not so perky.
So consider adopting this 12-day plan, if the 1-day one isn’t working for you. The way I experience it, Blank Slate Day makes your “resolutions”:
- 12 x’s more focused,
- 12 x’s more doable, and
- 12 x’s more likely to become reality.
What does this have to do with organizing?
Blank Slate Days are a time to think, “Ok, what do I want to focus on this month?” It can of course include an actual organizing project. But also, it’s an ideal time to organize your time and focus in general. Take a look at what’s working, what’s not. (Which, as I shared with my Chaos to Calm participants, is crucial if you want to reduce that overwhelm.)
What you need:
- A blank (slate) piece of paper (or doc) + pen/pencil (or keyboard)
- Your calendar
- Time to think (carpool line, bath, closet, headphones, behind a closed door…)
At a glance:
I love being able to see things (whether it’s my business vision, project plan, or this monthly plan) on one page. On this blank slate, I’ll write down my focus for that month – headings with specific actions that’ll get me there. Some months that page is filled up. Others, it’s minimal. Totally depends on what I need for that month.
Throughout the month:
I use for planning my weeks + days, highlighting (vs. crossing off) what I’ve accomplished. At then end of the month, I’ll add that (hopefully, but not always!) highlighted to the max page to my binder (which btw has become quite a good record of where I’ve been).
Not only do these special days help me determine my best focus for the month ahead. They’ve been a “hold out hope” days during those craziest / not-so-great times. A revitalizing type of ritual to say the least!
Best of wishes to you on this Blank Slate Day!
To get a perception of straightness, halt somewhere on the long
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Five million dollars in federal funding was spent’.