Sometimes I’ll use the phrase ‘organize a life you love,‘ like here on this first day of school Instagram pic:

Just to be clear! I’m not acting like when you’re doing this, it’s all downstream … down hill … rainbows + butterflies.
It’s a process. An evolution. A two steps forward, one step – or maybe six feet – back kind of thing (which can almost make you wish you were six feet under during the darkest of times).
While I will never claim to have it all together (who really does?), I do know when you can break through obstacles – big or small, life can feel lighter and be so much authentically better.
During this back to school time, I reflected back (thank you, Facebook memories feature:/) to when I was at one of my rock bottoms. It was around this time of the year, and I was like, How in the world did I make it through?
It’s almost impossible to go from rock bottom to dreamy visions of ecstasy (does that even exist?!) overnight. Even winning the lottery won’t clear out that invisible clutter that often holds us down. It seems to have a way of finding you until you deal with it!
But it is possible to make a shift. And then another, and another:
Going from rock bottom to a life that doesn’t completely suck
This is what has helped me when I’m in that place:
I’ll pray, ‘Please give me strength, wisdom and guidance.’
Then I’d do my best to let go and then be aware of a thought / idea that would pop into my head in a different kind of way .. or a person, book, blog, or podcast that would seemingly reach out to get my attention. It was as if God (and I believe we also get some added help from the universe, angels, spirit guides … ) was sending just what I needed at that moment.
Looking back, these gifts have been like little (and some really big) puzzle pieces that come together to provide much needed clarity and resources. I shared one of those pieces last year, and this summer, I’ve discovered more that I’ll share at some point.
And almost daily I’ll get little sparks as I like to call them that teach, reinforce or open me up to what I’m needing at the moment.
The picture of my life now, compared to what it was seven years ago, isn’t all that different on the outside (still in the same house, drive the same car), but changes that have happened in other ways blow me away when I reflect back.
Learning how to navigate out of that rock bottom, and how to get back on track when new obstacles come along, has not only helped me evolve as a person, it’s given me great empathy for others who are not just a little stressed but truly overwhelmed, including those who all of a sudden are in charge of managing a home, kids and life without a partner by their side.
BTW, rock bottoms can happen even when you “have everything” so don’t feel guilty if you’re in a really low place but feel as if you have no reason to be there.
So when I use #organizealifeyoulove, it’s about
clearing the clutter + creating space for what you love + truly need…
whether it’s a little tweak OR the biggest of shifts.
The good news: Those rock bottoms can be exactly what you need to push you through to a new level of life – one you can fall so much more in love with.

P.S. On a lighter note, this picture reminded me of another kind of clutter – those plants! Maybe a front door makeover is in my future….
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