In my last post I shared that if you’re not where you want to be, there’s some kind of clutter that’s holding you back. Today, I’m breaking it down into three categories where clearing out the clutter (and then adding in some love) can help kick things up another level – in business or life:

Environment: What you surround yourself with
Our home and workspace these days are often one in the same. As much time as we’ve been spending here, having spaces that function well and look good really do make a difference. Make sure it’s a good difference!

Day to Day: How you spend your time
I believe time is our most valuable resource. How we use it creates our days, weeks, lives. What are you choosing to focus on? And are you actually able to focus? How do you start and end your day? What are you saying ‘no’ to? Are you ending the day feeling satisfied – like you accomplished something that’s important to you?
BTW it’s not all about accomplishing! For me it’s about finding joy in the day to day while having a future you’re looking forward to.

Everything can look great on the outside – amazing home, successful days filled with accolades. But, if we have clutter going on within, the other two categories above feel dull. Take care of yourself – the outside part I do love (maybe not the exercise part:/) and I do believe it makes a difference) but the inside is vital.
I’ve been trained in and have spent years working with both organizing (a big part of the environment factor) and time management (how we spend our day to day) but what can truly take things up to another level is clearing the clutter here!
Just start with this:
The first step in upleveling is simply being aware of what’s NOT working … what’s in your way … the clutter that’s holding you back.
Change up or clear out the easy fixes. As far as the not so easy ones, just notice when they get in your way. I’ll share more about what can help, along with some lighter stuff too!
Because that’s what all of this stuff above is about – MAKING LIFE LIGHTER!
PS Excuse the coded clutter at top of post! Not sure how to clear it and wanted to get this post out so overlooking it for now. See here’s an example of me clearing out perfectionist clutter :)
PSS Lots of website updates / changes to be made but first figuring some behind the scenes stuff. For now, the best place to find me / be in touch is over at my YourLifeOrganizer Instagram xoxo
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