I have a favor to ask. I’d love to know what your biggest organizing-related struggles are.
Your anonymous responses will be invaluable in helping me create posts etc. for the future. Here’s the survey link: Survey (THANK YOU!)
It’s quick and maybe a bit therapeutic – kind of like journaling?! And better than journaling, someone (me!) is listening and then working on solutions that can help!
What’s MY biggest organizing-related frustration of the moment?
That darn meal planning / meal prep I posted about a few weeks ago.
This is what I really want:
Healthy and tasty meals prepped for the week.
Actually, already prepped. None of that shipping me all of the ingredients and then making me spend an hour putting it together kind of service. (Thanks but no thanks, Blue Apron.) Meals and snacks that are clearly labeled and automatically placed in fridge:

source: apartment therapy
And I want my fridge to look this good (but better stocked!):
Minimal work on my part with 90% of our meals. THAT is what I really want.
I’m working on making that happen and will post a follow up on how I (hopefully!) got it together. Thanks btw for the great meal prep tips and products you shared with me after that post. I lovvvvve and appreciate hearing from each and every one of you!
Now it’s your turn.
Tell me what organizing challenges YOU really want to tackle. Or have someone tackle for you! Again, it’s anonymous – and very much appreciated. Just click the link HERE!
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