When I wake up tomorrow, I’ll have an adult living in my home. (No, I haven’t finally found the one ha!)

But this little one on the left will be turning 18 and the thought of that had me in tears this morning. It started when I went to get him up for school saying, “This is the last time I’ll be waking you up as child!”
It hasn’t helped that I just moved all of our keepsakes into my office:

Last week on Instagram, I shared in a story how I ripped up the carpet in the guest bedroom and refinished the concrete underneath it. (It’s crazy what you do when you’re avoiding dealing with something else… but that’s another post!)
My next project: organizing / decluttering keepsakes
Most of these things came from that guest room closet and I brought in the rest from other places. TIP: When organizing and decluttering, pull all items from that category together.
Each has memories I cling to, especially on days like this … which may not be the ideal time to purge. Maybe I should wait until my kids do something that makes me mad! (That’s another tip:)
Since I’ll be downsizing once they are off on their next chapters, I’m paring down now so it’s not too overwhelming down the road. I can only imagine what a mess I’ll be then!
I’ll be using my SPACE Shifting approach and will share the results in a future post. (These five steps get you THE best results.)
In the meantime, if you’d like to follow along – and provide moral support! – come over to Instagram.
I’d love to hear from YOU:
• What category of things do you have the hardest time paring down?
• Any keepsake decluttering tips that’ve been helpful to you?
Please share in the comments below, or respond back to message me personally!

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