Design Your Environment For Success
Your environment can make or break it for you. I’ve experienced both ends! And by “environment” I’m referring to both inside + out.
As I step things up in my own business I’m reminded how powerful our environment is – both inside (the way it functions) + out (the way it looks).
My goal: design an environment that best supports what I want to accomplish and how I want to feel while working towards it. While there are so many parts to this, I thought I’d share a few things I’m finding helpful:

Step up workspace (+ home!) aesthetic.
Not ALL of us but MOST of us really do function and feel better when our physical surroundings look nice. It doesn’t have to be magazine worthy to make a big impact. Some ways to enhance your space:
• Clear the clutter: Even though there are vast differences in what one would consider an ideal looking workspace, one thing that’s in common with 99% all of them: minimal clutter!
• Clean the space: Even if you clean on a regular basis, removing everything and doing a deeper clean can feel so good.
• Rethink your set up: It’s also nice to rethink the way you have things set up from time to time. This ties in well with that deep clean, above. Removing everything allows you to look at the space with fresh eyes.
• Add in ambiance: I’m all about the ambiance in any kind of space. The way I approach styling a space is I want to love the way it looks and feels. Add in sound (I’ll open a window – even if warm or chilly) and scent (nothing too strong but I do love a diffuser with select oils or a favorite candle). And depending on what I’m working on, I may play low key music in background.

Start the morning with a ritual of some kind:
I love starting the work-related part of my morning with a ritual. A few things include in mine:
• Turn on my heart light (thank you Emily:)
• Open a few windows (the cats love this part)
• Turn on diffuser or light candle
• Journal (I’m currently doing the Future Self Journal by Dr. Nicole LePera / The Holistic Psychologist – you can download it for free HERE
• Read devotion (The Daily Word – My mom just sent my The Daily Word and another one she likes probably to keep me from getting too far out there with the other stuff – thanks Mom:)
While I can’t do all of this every day, I try to do at least one or two. It really does set the tone for the day.
SO… when it comes to environment (or anything else for that matter), I like to think about it like this:
How can I make things easier? better?
TAKE ACTION: Simply do one thing that can make things easier or better.
BTW, typically they go hand in hand: making things easier = making things better :)
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