In my last post I shared ways to turn your CAR into your HAVEN. One of the tips: keep your car well-stocked. You may need a completely different list {or no list at all}. Here’s mine:
in my console:
- console organizer: vehicle registration & insurance info + discount cards & coupons + business cards + gift certificates + dry cleaning tickets
also in console:
- mini spray bottle & brush {for styling boys’ bedheads when it doesn’t get done before leaving}
- cute notepad & pen {since I usually am writing notes to teachers en route to school – at stop lights of course!}
- a few CDs / current book on tape
- hand lotion
- change
car tote: As mentioned in my last post {#4 of the 10 Tips}, this is what I carry to and from the car when arriving or leaving home. It’s become a huge help to me in staying more organized. It nicely contains all of my stuff that accumulates in the front seat.
- This tote works well for me: it’s heavy duty AND looks good + I can scoop my arm through when heading out the door in morning: a free hand left for coffee! {Kohls: $19 – on sale}
what’s typically in my tote:
- wallet (that includes my Triple AAA card: an essential!)
- iPhone {with calendar, contacts, built-in camera for client before & after’s and kids’ stuff}
- sunglasses
- reading material {both work OR fun – whatever I’m in the mood for} and easy “to-do” stuff {great to have something for those waiting around” times}
- clip board {where I keep my weekly planning page + other working “things”}
- baby wipes {even though my babies aren’t babies anymore, I will forever keep wipes handy!}
- water bottle
- clear pouch that keeps small random things: my must-have-on-hand beauty products {including lip gloss/nail file/lotion/hair band…} and gum/mints + hand sanitizer + earphones for iPod + tissues + pen/pencil/highlighter. Being clear is key – it enables me to quickly find what I need.
- purse {I usually switch purses daily so I just grab from my tote what I need & put in purse before exiting the car to go in somewhere}. And speaking of purses, I just found a GREAT thing for keeping it from falling off seat and dumping contents all over – see pic below:
mini-office: For me, the best place for this is on my floor board of my passenger seat – reachable when safely stopped. {My tote is what typically goes in the passenger seat.}
- This mini-office keeps you organized whether you’re running a business OR running a home! {Case Logic’s website: $40 – can also find at Target}
what’s in my portable office:
- supplies: paper clips, stapler, scissors, rubber bands, tape {regular, masking & double-sided}, client/project folders, stickies, legal pad, rubber bands, gem clips, mini-flash light, extra pencil/pens, Sharpie, book light, matches, measuring tape
- snacks: energy bars + other on-the-go non-perishables {I love raw cashews, wasabi peas, dried apricots}
- mini: stain remover stick, sewing kit, medical kit, umbrella
- devotion {to read when I’m needing to “think/feel/act/be better” – which is everyday}
for the kids:
- clipboard, pencils, markers
- couple of books {not optimal, but on days when we have too much going on, they’ll get their reading done in car}
- water bottle + {preferably healthy – we are trying} snack
- And for trips: favorite pillow or blanket + each takes a small bag with their choice of book, toy, video – whatever will fit!
backseat bin: I keep a plastic bin in the back that holds random things that otherwise would be strewn throughout the back:
- outdoor blanket
- plastic utensils/straws
- grocery totes
- to-be-recycled grocery bags {that I end up having to use at store when I forget to bring in my eco-friendly grocery totes}
- yoga mat
car wash stash: When I first started going to the drive-through/vacuum-yourself car wash I noticed the “over-the-top Type-A ones” {now I just call them the “smart ones”} had a few tricks in their trunk. I now come prepared, too:
- microfiber cloth
- detail brush
- mini broom {to sweep off seats/parts of car that vacuum just doesn’t seem to suck up – with two young boys and a traveling dog, our car can get pretty messy!}
- Armor All wipes
- scent of some sort {lavender is my car favorite – I get at Lowes but they’ve been out of this particular scent and as much as I love them, I can’t drive around in a tiki bar with pina coladas on my mind. So I’m temporarily using something I got at Target: green bamboo. But I’m looking for other options if you have recommendations!}
- GPS {even though I will still find a way to get lost}
- car trash bag {attached to back of passenger seat – I can reach it and the kids can, too}
What I probably should have but don’t:
- phone charger {I charge overnight}
- DS charger {when going on a trip, it’s the kids‘ responsibility to ensure DS’s are charged : )
- packed gym bag {I’ll sometimes have this but having it all the time would be a better thing}
- jumper cables {as mentioned at top of post: Triple AAA: a great thing!}
- car seat protector {we never got these for under our kids’ seats – what were we thinking?}
- mini pencil sharpener {dull/broken pencils: I need to add that to my “things that drive me crazy” list on my blog’s about me page…
What do YOU keep in your car that’s not on this list? I’d LOVE to hear!!!
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