This doesn’t happen every time I’m a houseguest, but I have been known to do a little reorganizing during my stays away.
I love a quickie – nothing too extensive but very satisfying nonetheless. And one of the quickest clutter makeovers you can do: Shelves.
Shelves are great for holding and displaying items such as books and accessories, just make sure to give them some loving from time to time. Here’s how:
5 Steps for a Shelf Makeover (using my SPACE Shifting approach)
BEFORE YOU START! Take a before pic, and at the end, take an after. You’ll be so glad to look back and see what you’ve accomplished.

(My parents’ dining room: by no means ‘out of order’ but it had been a while since items were originally placed)
I’ll take you through the process I took using my five SPACE Shifting steps. For something like this, I’ll just do in my head, but if it’s a bigger project I’ll actually write / map it out.
Take note of what you love and what you don’t love – what’s working / what’s not. Then remove everything, categorizing items on the floor or other flat surface.
TIP: Now is a perfect time to clean the empty spaces. Dust, wipe down and make sure surface is thoroughly dry before placing items back.

Now that you have a blank slate* (see why I LOVE this, below), envision your ideal space and make note of your preferences – simply in your head for smaller projects or on paper for bigger ones:
• FUNCTION: What do you need the shelf to do?
• STYLE: How would you like this space to look?
TIP: For inspiration, search #shelfie or #shelf on Instagram, or look through home decor magazines or Pinterest / Instagram feeds noting how shelves are styled in your favorite spaces.
*Using my Blank Canvas Strategy, we remove every. single. thing. You’ll get rid of so much more AND you’ll have better looking and working results.
Taking what you’ve noted in Step 1 (what’s working, what’s not) and Step 2 (preferences), create an action plan:
Get rid of what you don’t love or need (i.e., clutter). To get that streamlined, clean look you see in magazines and Instagram, you’ll probably need to pare down. That’s one reason why I love thinking about your ideal space. It really helps you stay focused on getting to that optimal end result while in the trenches of the clutter clearing part.
Keeping that inspiration you found in mind, thoughtfully place remaining items. Stand back from time to time to get an overall view of how the space is coming together.

Style itby adding a few accessories (or containers such as decorative baskets that can hold groups of items if necessary), rearranging as needed until you achieve a look you love.
Wrap up completely. Box up any items no longer loved or needed and place in car (now!) to donate to someone who could use or appreciate them. If you put this part off, chances are those items will simply shift to another (now more cluttered) area.
TIP: For bigger spaces, break the project down into small parts so you can celebrate mini completions. This helps with overwhelm and makes it easier – and more enjoyable – to make it to that finish line.

Evaluate and tweak what’s not working. While not a huge deal for something like these shelves, Step 5 is a vital one when it comes to organizing and maintaining bigger spaces or projects*.
*You can use SPACE Shifting for anything – from your closet to your business.
BTW, just like your inner self, you don’t want to neglect your inner shelves! Use these SPACE Shifting steps on shelves behind closed doors too:)

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