I don’t know about you but I’ve been seriously having to stop and ask myself, Ok, what day even is this? Monday? Saturday?
My Monday Instagram post said: Happy Labor Day! Or at least I thought it was LD weekend until Saturday night when Alexander’s friend said she had a test on Monday to study for and I said, “You have school on Labor Day?!”
You know you need some major getting back on top of things when you don’t even know if it’s a weekday or the weekend. A HOLIDAY weekend at that. (Which could also mean a little more fun may need to be added to my weekends so I can distinguish between the two!)
Not only was I excited about having an extra week of summer, I’m getting a MUCH NEEDED extra week to prep for getting back into the groove with work stuff since ‘after Labor Day’ is when I plan to dive back in (i.e., ‘mixing things up’ :)
While literally writing that post on Monday I thought of the idea to share some behind the scenes business stuff in my Instagram stories.
I’ve always been fascinated with what happens BTS with others’ businesses so if you have a business OR are considering starting your own OR are simply curious and want to come along for the ride, I’ll give you a glimpse – the good and the not so good – into mine as I regroup.
HERE’S HOW TO JOIN (it’s free):
I’ll be sharing this with those designated as ‘close friends’ (so exclusive;) on my Instagram so I can keep it separate from my main YLO stuff. I’m thinking it’ll be through the month of September – maybe beyond – so if you want to follow along find me on IG at @YourLifeOrganizer, send me a message and I’ll add you.
If you’re needing some inspiration for getting back into the swing of things (or want to provide me with some – who knows how this is going to play out!) would love to connect with you there.
Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend, and sending you so much love as we begin getting back into the real world.
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