I was beyond thrilled to get this text from my girlfriend that my all-time favorite Real Housewife Lisa Vanderpump was coming to town!

Saturday, my girlfriend texted that she’d come down with something so I begged my (ex-boy) friend to go with me. While we had dated I’d made him (he may not admit but actually enjoyed:) sit through hours upon hours of Vanderpump Rules, so he was a big LVP fan too.
As I waited for him to pick me up, I saw my shell stuff and thought, I should take Lisa and Ken one of my pieces.
It felt like a great idea at the moment but as we drove out to Ponte Vedra for the event I started thinking…. “Oh no, maybe this isn’t such a great idea.”
One of the gazillion things I love about Lisa is her impeccable style and attention to detail with everything – from their home, Villa Rosa to their many gorgeous restaurants.

As I began having second thoughts, I realized the reason I still had that particular frame was because to display a picture you had to literally peel away the backing to stuff a photo in.
And the shell box! If I were properly gifting it, I would have finished it off by lining the inside, shellacking and then properly signing (not paint pen inscribing:/) the bottom. But I decided to just go with it. (BTW, for some of prouder shell piece moments, see end of post ;)
When we arrived at the event, there was a line wrapped around the building. I asked someone working there if I didn’t have a chance to give to meet her, could I pass the gift along through them instead.

He said, yes, and even better, he brought over Lisa and Ken’s son-in-law, Jason, to take it on my behalf. Well that had me totally star struck, so I knew I’d really be a mess if I got to see Lisa.
After three hours of waiting (we looked as if it’d been three days :/) we finally got to meet Lisa!

And how did I choose to spend our eight seconds together?
Mumbling something about the shells. SO eloquent. Thank goodness David distracted her by asking, “Which Tom annoys you more? Schwarts or Sandoval?” Her answer, “Definitely Swartz-y.” So funny. We lovvvvvved!!
As we were leaving, I tried to end on a good note by thanking Tom for all of the wonderful things they do through Vanderpump Dogs. I mean, KEN! Thank you, KEN! Yes, I called Ken, “Tom.”

As amazing of a day it was, I wanted a do-over soooooo badly! Worrying about those darn shell creations had me off my game! Oh and I’d left my heels in the car so that didn’t help. :)))
The YLO tie in? I don’t want you wishing YOU had a do over when it comes to my program! It’s everything I would share with a client that wants a home AND life decluttering transformation. CLICK HERE for details.

Thank you, Lisa, KEN (not Tom!), Pandora and Jason (and to new friends made in line!) for such a fun afternoon.

PS. Below are a few of my workable / finished pieces! Finding the shells and making these things are my therapy. Although my kids are thinking I’m in need of therapy as many shells as I have and as much time as I spend on:/!!
So if you ever want a custom piece – just message me angela @ YourLifeOrganizer . com – my kids will be happy that something “good” is coming out of:)))

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