Full Moon Ritual
Here’s a new ritual I’m doing every month to clear out what’s not working

I just started something new last night and thought I’d share with you because I’m seeing it become a monthly thing for me.
One of my focuses these last few months of 2022 is to change up my routines and put new systems in place that fit where I’m wanting to take both my business and life. (One definitely impacts the other in a 😍 or 😫 way but that’s a different email!)
One ritual I have in place is my Blank Canvas Day – starting the month off with a blank canvas. Looking at the month ahead with fresh eyes and asking yourself, How do I want this month to look like? Feel like? (SPACE Shifting™ Step 2: Preference) Then, What do I need to do to make this happen? (Step 3: Action)
Just like when organizing a space, when we organize (design!) our life, we need to get clear on what clutter is our way. (The “what’s not working” part of Step 1: Surroundings Assessment)
This is where this new ritual comes into play… Choose ONE thing that’s in your way of having the month you wish for and then do this:
🌕 Full Moon Ritual 🌕
So, this is a simple (outdoor under the moon) ritual I’m adding into the mix:
🌙 Say my overall intention for the month (mantra or prayer form)
🌙 On a piece of paper, write one thing I need to clear out
🌙 Burn it (safely) or tear up – signifying you are clearing it
🌙 And if you feel like going deeper, journal what comes up – ways you can clear it or whatever comes to you. Releasing by getting it out of your head and onto paper can be powerful too.
While I 10000% believe in our energy (where we are vibrationally and how this affects us because I’ve experienced it over and over over), I’m not all that familiar with the moon’s phases, mercury retrogrades etc. But I do like the idea of a full moon being a good time to release what’s not serving us.
And being that it happens every month – occasionally twice a month – it’s a good monthly reminder.
Wonder if blue moon months are months we need extra clearing? There was a blue moon the day I got married! 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🤔
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