Your Life Organizer Blog
Introduction to blog page content.
Being prepared on the go: 5 must-haves
School started today - for my youngest. And it'll hopefully start tomorrow for my oldest (who's under-the-weather...of all days!!!!). Even though I'm still in summertime mode (taking care of my 11-year old), today [...]
Back-to-School Organized: Do these 5 things now!
Wow. It seems like last week I was writing this post about school being OUT for the summer. And here it is - less than two weeks before it all starts [...]
4 mistakes I {used to} make when buying something new
Do you ask yourself any of these questions when you {TRY TO} use something you've purchased? If so, here's how I've solved - saving myself lots of stress, $, time and frustration: 1. [...]
My secret for getting SO much more done
Do you have enough time in the day to get all of your stuff done? If your answer is "Are you kidding me? Heck no!" then keep reading... HOW LONG WOULD IT TAKE? [...]
What do I do with all of that school stuff at end of year?!
Last week I received an organizing question from a friend + reader {actually, I consider ALL of my readers friends - am so very thankful for each you : ) and I thought [...]
Are you TOO organized? Avoid these 5 mistakes
As much as I crave order, there IS an overboard line you can cross. Here are 5 ways being "too organized" can work AGAINST you: 1. Setting up TOO many categories: When setting [...]