This beautiful picture from Kristy Wicks (source: Instagram kristywicks) evoked much calmer, happier thoughts than the pic I shared below did!
My 15-year old son and I were just going through the Starbucks drive thru and what happened as we drove off was borderline traumatizing.
The lemon poundcake which we always split (god forbid if one of us gets more of the icing than the other:/) came in this packaging:

Starbucks is ready for the holidays..but am I?
My initial giddiness from our first holidays are basically here siting quickly turned to panic as I thought, “How can Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks?!”
But, that overwhelm vanished once I got home and did my first holiday tradition: planning out the holidays with my Organize-at-a-Glance planner template.
BTW, if you’re reading this a week before Christmas, it’ll still bring much needed relief. It’s never too late to use it!
My Organize-at-a-Glance template is a (SIMPLE!) way to bring order to various projects and for years it’s been my sanity saver during this time of year.
If you’re starting to feel that frazzle, print out the template (it’s FREE!) and follow along.
(NOTE: If you it doesn’t make its way to you, message me and I’ll make sure you receive. Think I have most of the tech kinks worked out but just in case!)
- Give yourself 20 distraction-free minutes.
- In boxes, write headers for your main holiday categories.
- Fill out out what you can now and then add to as needed.
Section Examples:
- Gift ideas for each child: Mine get their own entire box since they tend to get more than the rest of us:/
- Gifts (in general): You can use a box or two (or more) for gifts you need to purchase: list each recipient’s name + gift ideas.
- Errands: Errand efficiency will save you so much time, money and sanity! For specific stores, I’ll jot down items I need as I think of them. If not enough room, I’ll use a post-it for each store and keep it on this page.
- Entertaining: Fortunately I have no responsibilities this year for this category! But if you do, you can use a box for a specific holiday menu or an entire template for more involved entertaining (using boxes for invites, decorations, menu, errands, music…)
- Black Friday / Small Business Saturday / Cyber Monday: I don’t bother with Black Friday but love Cyber Monday. And I think Small Business Saturday is a great idea. Maybe I should do something for that day…??!)
- Gift ideas for YOU: If you’re lucky enough to have others that just don’t have a clue what to get so they actually ask you what you want, use a box for stuff you’d love. (Great idea: if clearing clutter and making your spaces look and function amazing sounds like something you’d like to receive OR give – I offer gift cards;) And even more important:
- Giving back: ways you can do for others.
- Other things: Holiday cards, decorations, whatever else you need.
- Priorities: Special things you want to do during the season. I like including this one because we can’t do it all, and this keeps me focused on what’s most important to my family and me.
I’ll keep on my clipboard and will:
- jot down anything that pertains to what’s on that page (e.g, a great gift idea that pops into your head)
- mark off what’s been done so you can easily see what’s left
- take picture of it prior to heading out so you can easily pull up .. sometimes I’ll actually fold it up and carry with me.
If it gets too messy, I’ll simply print out another template and update it with what’s still left to do.
- It’s super easy to set up and use. I use digital for some stuff but for planning out things, I just love actual pen / pencil + paper.
- You have everything on ONE page which allows you to see the big picture and the smaller details.
- It’s a template you can use for other things too: back to school prep, party planning, blog ideas, things you need to discuss with others on your team… the list is endless!
- And best of all, for me IT WORKS. It’s a place that I can hold onto ideas that pop into my head and to-do’s related to specific subjects.
You can download this FREE (another benefit:) template here:
I’m wanting to experience all of the peace I can during the holiday season – every season for that matter. This brings a little more peace of mind my way, and hoping it can do the same for you.
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