A beautiful way to manage your home: this image from Pinterest which linked back to www.migonishome.com - LOVE! {Check out #5, below}
Wow. It seems like last week I was writing this post about school being OUT for the summer. And here it is – less than two weeks before it all starts back up.
Once again, mixed feelings. Believe me, there are days I feel like – HELP!!! How much longer is summer going to last??!
But, I have to admit I’m getting a little lump in my throat thinking about summer wrapping up and not having my babies (who are growing up TOO quickly) around. (And for my girlfriends reading this, no this is not BS. I really do get a little emotional. At times.)
I know the pace is going to pick up exponentially. Bye-Bye lazy days. But thankfully, I’m not overly stressed about that part.
Here are 5 things I’m doing that help me stay cool, calm and collected as I brace myself for what’s ahead:
1. Current your calendar: Add all schedules (school, activities, football schedule) to your calendar so it’s completely up to date.
2. Map it out: Make note of everything you need to do / purchase prior to first day (including school supplies, clothes, haircuts). Think strategic: Figure out smartest way to get done so you’re not cramming it in the day or two before. And remember, when doing something like this: use FOCUS time!
- Gather current coupons and make note of sales you want to hit (IF this is your thing).
- Batch errands geographically.
- Shop when least crowded (first thing in morning or late in day).
- Go by yourself if possible. (If you want to take the kids so they can pick out stuff – great. If that’ll stress you out, go solo. You can always pull up stuff on-line and get their feedback prior to heading out.)
- Lunches? Have a few set options that you AND your little ones approve of. Keep in stock. Pack the night before.
- Bickering & Bad Attitudes? This is a tougher one. A few things I do: use iPod (to block it out), pop in one of my wellness or business CD’s (they just “love” this one:), take away privileges. (Actually, getting more organized WILL cut down on this – AND help you deal with. When in a calm state, handling less than ideal situations is MUCH easier.)
- Running late? Fake it: move clocks ahead 10 minutes. Also, get EVERYTHING ready the night before.
**** If you could use some help with #5 – which actually pulls together ALL of the above – I’ve got something you are going to LOVE!!!!! STAY TUNED!!!*****
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